Why Is My Eye Swollen Underneath?

By Larese De Guzman / March 15, 2021
Why Is My Eye Swollen Underneath

There are different culprits behind swollen undereye. If you have been looking for answers, check out this article. We’ll give you the most common reasons for swollen eyes.

Eye puffiness may be because of a lack of sleep that weakens the muscles around your eyes. Stress can also lead to loss of collagen or the elastic tissue under your eyes. So, it causes the fluid to build in that area. Worst, swollen undereye can be a sign of other severe health conditions. Aging and genetics are other reasons for this condition.

If you have a health issue, treating the underlying problem can help smooth your eye area. Here are ten causes of under-eye swelling and what you can do to prevent and treat them.

What Causes Swollen Undereye?

Let’s get straight to the causes of swollen undereye. If you want to prevent puffiness, here are some things to avoid.

1.Eating Too Much Salt

For your body or your appearance, too much salt or sodium in your diet is not healthy. You will make the body hold water with extra sodium. In the face and body, the excess water induces puffiness. It is popular after a salty meal in the morning.

There is a more significant chance that the thin skin under your eyes will become puffy. It leads to swelling of the under-eye or the formation of “bags” under the eye. Naturally, the body can get rid of the bloating and de-puffing of the eye area. It could take a couple of hours or longer.

Eating only 1,500 milligrams of salt, the American Heart Association recommends a day. Per day, most Americans eat more than twice the level of sodium.


Expressing your emotions and crying is healthy for your mental health. But anything too much can cause eye puffiness. Crying allows moisture to accumulate in the eyes, and for a brief period, causes puffiness. Swelling of the under-eye that occurs once in a while might go away on its own.

3.Not enough sleep

A research study showed that it could cause under-eye swelling if you don’t get enough sleep. Droopy eyelids, swollen eyes, and dark circles under the eyes can also get affected. Pale skin and a droopy jaw are other symptoms.

Lack of sleep may weaken the muscles behind the eyes. It may also contribute to the depletion of collagen under the eyes, the elastic tissue. It leads the region to accumulate blood, allowing the area between the eyes to swell up.

Under-eye swelling will last a couple of hours to 24 hours because of little sleep. Any symptoms can become irreversible if you have insufficient sleep daily. Any night, most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep.


In your sinuses and around your eyes, allergies will cause fluid to build up. It will add to the swelling of the under-eyes. Your eyes will also get red, itchy, and watery from an allergic reaction. Some common eye allergies are specks of dust, mold, smoke, and pollutants. Also, avoid pollen, dander, chemical, animal fur if you’re allergic to it.

A typical cause of puffy eyes is allergies. It occurs because, to combat allergens, defensive cells in your skin, called mast cells, give off immune proteins called histamine. It makes it sensitive and watery for your skin. If you want to flush away the pollen or other allergens, your eyes will even tear up.

Face allergies are easy to handle as well. To help ease reactions, eliminate allergens as far as possible. It also helps to wipe out your nose and use fake eye teardrops to clean your eyes. Over-the-counter medicines can help relieve swelling of the under-eye. The doctor can also administer a steroid or an allergy shot to make you less susceptible to the allergen.


Your eyes may get irritated by smoking tobacco, shisha, or cigars. When you’re around secondhand and even thirdhand smoke, you might even get an allergic reaction. It will cause water in your eyes to induce under-eye swelling.

To further reduce eye puffiness and other symptoms, stop smoking of some sort and avoid secondhand smoke. If you’re allergic to residual traces of smoke, disinfect surfaces and objects in your home and vehicle. Since being with people who smoke, wash your hair and clothes.

6.Eye infections

In either or both eyes, eye infection may cause under-eye swelling. You may have an eye or an eyelid infection. Infection and swelling will appear first in one eye but will spread to the other eye quickly. Stop touching your eyes or scratching them. Within a week, an eye infection usually goes down. You might need treatment with antibiotics.

The eye infections that can induce swelling of the under-eye include the following.

  • Pink Eye. This condition is also known as conjunctivitis and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and other irritants. Pink eyes may appear at any age.
  • Stye. A stye can lead to redness, swelling, and pus in the eye or eyelid. A stye is an inflammation in the follicle of an eyelash or a tear duct. Typically, it starts around the lash line like a tiny slight hump.
  • Chalazion. A chalazion is a style-like genus. It is triggered in your eyelid by a blocked oil gland. Typically, a chalazion feels like a tiny bump on the eyelid. It can lead to swelling if it gets infected.
  • Periorbital Cellulitis. Typically, this infection or inflammation in the eye extends from the sinuses. It may even happen to the eyelid from a cut or fracture, which also involves medical care.

With a damp and clean cloth, you can minimize swelling and tenderness around the eye. If you suspect you have an illness, visit the doctor immediately. To ease the pain, you can need antibiotics or other medications.

7.Blocked tear duct

The tear ducts wash out tears and regular water in the eye. If they’re blocked, the fluid can accumulate around the eye. It will add to the swelling of the under-eyes. In infants, a blocked tear duct is standard, but it can occur in children and adults. A blockage may happen due to an allergy, makeup spores, or an injury to the eye. In most instances, after a few days, it clears up on its own.

Usually, a heated compress helps remove the blockage by cleaning out the eye with sterile saline. You will require treatment in more extreme situations. A blocked tear duct may also arise in adults because of a tumor.


A fingernail or a makeup brush may create a slight scrape or nick of the eye. When the body heals the delicate skin in the eye zone, an injury will lead to under-eye swelling. It may even induce puffiness from being struck on or near the eye. A punch or a dull object blow allows the eye to shift down and then up in place momentarily. It puts blood into the area of blood rushing. Swelling or bruising under the eye is caused by blood and fluid.

9.Graves’ disease

Thyroid eye disorder is sometimes called Graves’ disease. It arises because there is no equilibrium of thyroid hormones in your thyroid gland. When you take too much thyroid medicine, Graves’ disease may also often occur. You’ll immediately need help. The doctor may prescribe medications or other therapies.

There will be eye signs for approximately 30 percent of those with this disorder. These involve bulging eyes and swelling of the under-eyes. It is because the illness of Graves induces modifications to the tissue surrounding the eyes.


A symptom of mononucleosis can include eye and vision changes, including under-eye swelling. Often this virus is called the “kissing disease,” but you can get it from sneezes and coughs as well. A virus causes mononucleosis. If you want to cure it, antibiotics will not help.

Final Words

There is regular under-eye swelling. Without treatment, it typically goes away. If you have under-eye swelling that is not going anywhere or any signs, see the doctor. If you want to avoid harm to your eyes, early care is critical.

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