Face Yoga Exercises For Dark Circles Under The Eyes

yoga exercises

If you want to reduce dark circles under the eyes, here are some face yoga exercises that you can try at home. Even after trying all treatments and natural remedies for removing dark circles. So, why not give these face yoga exercises a try?

Face you works like magic in improving the delicate skin around the eyes. Moreover, these face yoga exercises are a natural way of reducing dark circles, and, best of all, it is free. At a glimpse, here are some of the most common face yoga exercises to try at home.

  1. The Smile Smoother
  2. Go Crow
  3. Smooth The Brow
  4. The Mini V
  5. Forehead Dab

Have you woken up with dark circles in the morning? Do you find that the skin around your eyes looks puffy when you’re tired or stressed? Do you have fine lines and wrinkles right over your eyes? Feel free to try these face yoga exercises. No fancy tools and equipment required, just make sure to follow these steps. 

Face Yoga Exercises For Reducing Dark Circles Under The Eyes

It may not sound the same as the traditional yoga exercise, but most people who tried it said that this exercise is sufficient. If you haven’t tried to face yoga exercises, then you haven’t really tried everything. When performing a facial yoga routine, you will overcome dark circles. To do so, make sure that you are doing the right procedure for increased blood circulation. As a result, it eliminates dark circles under the eyes while calming facial muscles.

Face Yoga Exercises#1: The Smile Smoother

These is one of the easiest yoga exercises is suitable for sagging skin, check lines, and dark circles under the eyes. Start by making an ‘O’ shape with your mouth, but make sure to hide your teeth with your lips. Then, smile widely as you try to keep your dental. Do this process for at least six times. Next, hold your smile and place one index finger on your chin. Move your jaw upwards and downwards while tilting your head backward. Try to relax and do it two more times. 

Face Yoga Exercises#2: Go Crow

Begin by placing the side of your index fingers at the top of your cheeks. Slide the fingertips up in a horizontal line with a feather-like touch, so the tips are on the hairline. Continue for another 30 seconds. Go back to your first spot and leave it there for 30 seconds, softly clicking. This gentle massage helps the upper layer of the epidermis to exfoliate, increasing cell turnover gently. It often relieves anxiety, reducing the shift in the lines in speech correlated with stress. Using plant-based oil or eye cream to help slide easily in the fingertips.

Face Yoga Exercises#3: Smooth The Brow

Aside from being a good exercise on dark circles, ‘smooth the brow is also useful for those horizontal forehead lines. Position both your hands on the forehead and stretch all the fingers across the eyebrows and the hairline. Then, brush your forehead with your fingertips softly while adding light pressure to relax your muscle. Do the same process ten times.

Face Yoga Exercises#4: Forehead Dab

Start these yoga exercises by placing your hand palm on your forehead’s right side. Kindly click or brush, slowly push over to the left, and then across to the center. Start with one dab per second, then slow it down gradually to one per ten seconds. Do so for a minimum of one minute. Ease frontal tension, reducing muscle tightness. Try to open your eyes when you do so to improve your eye muscles.

Face Yoga Exercises#5: The Mini V

Put your middle finger at the bottom of the nose by the inner corner of the cheek. Bend the index fingers gently with gentle pressure and position them at the outside angle of your eye. Look upwards and make a powerful squint, as if the lower eyelids are moving upwards. At the outer edge of the eye, you will sense a movement or move.

Keep on for 3 seconds, then unlock. This yoga exercise improves the muscle in your orbicularis oculi and enhances blood supply, helping to make the eye region appear more transparent. As much as possible, don’t pull the skin between the eyebrows as you do the exercises. If you don’t sense the beat at first, don’t worry, you will be doing so in time.

Face Yoga Exercises#6: Frown Preventer

Place your middle backs and index fingers behind your eyebrows. Push the fingertips down to the muscle and shift each other’s fingers away slightly. Hold back 20 seconds. Remove the fingers and perform twice more, achieving a minimum of one minute.

This technique is a perfect way to that longitudinal lines between the eyebrows and to avoid them. It stimulates the muscle and increases the area’s circulation. It also loosens muscle strain and is suitable for line prevention. This relaxing exercise often massages a few points of acupressure and helps to relax the mind.

Face Yoga Exercises#7: Do The Twist

Gently rotate the center of the body in a sitting position on a chair or floor, looking over the shoulder. Place the hand on the opposite thigh. Hold on for three breaths. Repeat on the opposite leg. This posture softly supports the normal cycle of detoxification of the body, helping to boost drainage and lymphatic system. Moreover, this yoga exercise also releases tension in the neck and shoulders.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are still doubtful about face yoga exercises, here are some of the most common questions from other people. 

Can facial remove dark circles?

Poor blood circulation may trigger dark circles to develop around the eyes. Smooth massage by a facial around the area of the eye can help improve circulation. Moreover, face creams and items containing antioxidants under the eye can help to reduce the occurrence of dark circles. If you want to go natural, make sure to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Does Face yoga work for eye bags?

If you’ve tried facial yoga, you might know that there’s a lot of stretching involved in yoga. Effective stretching relaxes tense muscles and tired nerves. It’s a strategy that can help you get healthy skin and raise the shadows around your eyes. Face you work like magic to make the fragile skin around your eyes healthier. In addition, these face yoga exercises are a natural way to reduce dark circles, and, best of all, they are free. At a glance, some of the best rising face yoga exercises to get done at home are here.

Is Aloe Vera good for under-eye bags?

Aloe vera gel acts like magic on nearly any skin issue. If you find it relaxing and it fits with your skin condition well, add aloe vera gel under your eyes and leave it overnight. It can help grow dark circles naturally.


The idea behind face yoga exercises is to relax and thicken the muscles around your eyes while promoting better blood circulation. Face workouts will also improve blood supply by operating all the skin layers properly, enabling more oxygen and nutrients to enter the skin cells. Thanks to fewer pollutants, the effect is a smoother skin for a pleasant glow.

Do 20 minutes of face yoga exercises, six times a week. It may seem like a number, but you’ll soon see results. Everyone has different faces, so the time it takes to see changes varies from individual to individual. As a general rule, after a fortnight, you will start having more of a long-term difference in your face and back.

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