Drug Interventionist

Drug Interventionist

Drug or alcohol addiction not only affects the individual using, but it also negatively impacts the lives of those closest to them. While you may have tried everything to persuade a loved one, they can refuse to enter a treatment program due to different reasons.

They might be afraid to change, deny they have a problem, or actually believe they don’t have a substance use disorder. Regardless of the reason, our professional drug interventionist at Addiction Interventions can assist your family member in seeing why they require treatment.

Benefits of an Interventionist

Some of the advantages of hiring a drug interventionist to help a loved one overcome addiction are:

  • Training and Skills

You can depend on the training and skills of a reputable intervention specialist during this challenging period. An interventionist is trained to know what can happen during an intervention. They also know how to use the proper approach and the right words when explaining to your family member the extent of their addiction.

More than that, they have the skills needed to deal with objections and anticipate responses. If someone says they don’t believe they have an addiction, the interventionist will have an answer. If the person becomes agitated, the intervention specialist can manage their emotions appropriately. Interventionists can virtually handle any scenario. Ultimately, they can convince your loved one to go to rehab.

  • Experience

Addiction looks different for everyone. The good news is, an experienced addiction intervention specialist can identify patterns. In addition, they can read your intervention letter and predict the possible reaction. From your letter, they may show you how to do an intervention properly and also step in to diffuse reactive situations to maximize your chances of success.

  • Support

An intervention specialist will support you and offer more information about addiction, what your addicted loved one is going through, and the next step in overcoming their addiction.

  • Avoid Mistakes

You have nothing but the best of intentions for your loved one. But sometimes, your actions can be termed as “enabling.” An intervention can counter the instincts that come naturally to you towards your loved one. For example, the instinct to love and protect someone close to you at all costs. These instincts, although well-intentioned, can enable the addicted person. You can rely on the intervention specialist to spot these behaviors and create boundaries.

An intervention specialist knows things to avoid during an intervention that could worsen the situation or lead to a dead end. Additionally, they're more likely to produce desired results when they take over and guide you on how to stage an alcohol or drug abuse intervention.

  • Connections

Your end goals are to have your family member attend rehab and attain lasting recovery. If you’ve accomplished this, that’s a huge milestone. Equally importantly, drug and alcohol intervention programs can connect you and your loved one with the best rehab facility.

Leading Drug Interventionists

Have you tried but failed to get someone close to you to commit to addiction treatment? It’s time to hire one of our experienced drug interventionists. Working with us at Addiction Interventions can help keep the peace during the intervention and convince your loved one to seek addiction treatment. Speak with an addiction intervention specialist now: 866-584-2525.

Addiction Interventions


Drug Interventionist

3822 Campus Dr #300-B

Newport Beach

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