Registered Massage Therapist Coquitlam

Registered Massage Therapist CoquitlamBe sure hire a registered massage therapist in Coquitlam to get the best results. A good massage therapist can recommend the right massage for your condition, whether you simply need to relax or to recover from injuries. Let Harmony Physiotherapy & Health Clinic’s team of professionals give you the right treatment. Just visit our website to know more about the kind of massages we can offer you.  

Massage therapy is a health profession regulated in some Canadian provinces, including British Columbia. This is why you need to see a registered massage therapist in Coquitlam if you want to ensure high quality care. Harmony Physiotherapy and Health Clinic in Coquitlam offers massage therapy for pain relief and management, all administered by registered therapists. Explore this website to learn more about the techniques we offer, and call us at 604-468-2300 to book an appointment. 
A registered massage therapist in Coquitlam can help patients of all ages. Such a healthcare professional is trained to provide patients relief from problems including arthritis, tendinitis, and other such inflammatory conditions. Massage therapy is also largely used in stress relief. It is proven to be effective in treating headaches and migraines, spasms, sprains, strains, back pain, circulatory and respiratory issues, and repetitive strain injury. It is likewise used to relieve labor and pregnancy discomfort, as well as for post surgical and post injury rehabilitation. 
In general, massage therapy can be administered on individuals of in any age group, including children, infants, and the elderly. However, it may not be appropriate for some conditions.  A registered massage therapist in Coquitlam is trained to recognize such cases. When booking your initial consultation, talk to the therapist about your goals and disclose any conditions that you think might affect the therapy. 

Registered Massage Therapist Coquitlam

Harmony Physiotherapy


Registered Massage Therapist Coquitlam

111- 2955 Atlantic Ave. Coquitlam


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